Internal medicine

About Internal medicine

Internal medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases that arise ininternal organs. During an internal medicine examination, the internal medicine specialist interviews the patient to collect detailed information about previous illnesses, family history, and reasons for their visit.

Internal medicine encompasses various subspecialties that deal with specific organs or systems within the body. At IMC Priora, we not only offer diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, but also provide important advice on disease prevention and health preservation.

interna medicina - priora


Untreated lung diseases pose a challenge to an individual’s daily life. Pulmonologists at IMC Priora, specialized in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of respiratory disorders, will provide you with the best possible care if you suffer from asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, or other respiratory diseases. Our team of pulmonologists is committed to delivering top-notch healthcare to enable patients to breathe freely and lead active, healthy lives.



Cardiologists at IMC Priora discuss the latest medical advancements in treating heart and vascular diseases. Through thorough physical examination and specialized diagnostic tests, we will provide an accurate diagnosis and tailor a treatment plan to suit your needs. Regular cardiac check-ups at IMC Priora are essential for preventing, monitoring, early diagnosis, and treating heart and vascular diseases.

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