About the procedure
Circumcision is often a routine medical procedure in many cultures and religious communities and can also be recommended for a variety of medical reasons. These reasons can range from personal or aesthetic reasons, to more serious issues like phimosis, a condition in which the prepuce cannot stretch enough to be fully retracted.
The right candidates
Who qualifies for circumcision can differ based on a variety of factors. These include medical, religious, cultural, or even personal preferences. One medical reason for circumcision is phimosis, a diagnosed narrowing of the prepuce which makes thorough washing and cleaning of the area more difficult, and ultimately, can result in repeated inflammations.
More severe cases of phimosis can make sexual intercourse difficult. In extreme cases, phimosis can disrupt the flow of urine and cause residual urine to appear in the bladder or kidneys. If the condition lasts long enough, it can even lead to malignant penis tumors.
Preparing for the procedure
Before the procedure, the patient will undergo a general examination. This allows the doctor to assess the patient’s general medical condition, their medical history, as well as have a conversation about the reasons the patient wants to undertake the procedure.
Details about the procedure
The procedure is carried out under local, regional, or general anesthesia, and it involves severing the prepuce from the glans of the penis.
This is usually done by performing a straight incision down the length of the penis to allow a circular incision that actually separates the prepuce from the rest of the skin. After the removal, the incision is cauterized and the rest of the skin is sutured with resorbable sutures.
Recovering from the procedure
Until complete healing of the incision occurs, sexual intercourse should be avoided. To prevent or reduce swelling, wearing tight underpants that support the penis in an upward position is recommended.
We also recommend taking daily baths in a sitting position, especially if the phimosis was accompanied by an inflammation in the area of the prepuce and the glans. Most importantly, you should avoid any risky activities during the first 24 hours following the procedure.
Possible risks
Complications following the procedure are rare but possible. They include swelling, bleeding, or infections. Many candidates worry that the procedure may have a negative effect on fertility or sexual pleasure, but it’s important to note that this is not the case.