Dear Sir/Madam,
By Article 27 of the Health Care Act (“Official Gazette” No. 100/18, 125/19, 133/20, 147/20, 136/21, 119/22, 156/22, 33/23), every individual has the right to request from the director of a healthcare institution, either directly or in writing, the protection of their rights concerning the quality, content, and type of healthcare service provided to them.
In any case, especially in cases of doubt regarding the authenticity of the complainant’s identity, the International Medical Center PRIORA, by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) SL EU L119, reserves the right to request additional information about the complainant’s identity to protect the patient’s right to privacy and the confidentiality of medical documentation.
The International Medical Center PRIORA strives to provide high-quality healthcare services to all users to ensure the overall satisfaction of staff and patients and a favorable treatment outcome without undesirable consequences.
If you are unsatisfied with the quality of the healthcare service, you have the right to submit a complaint.
Patients, their families, or legal representatives/guardians have the right to express dissatisfaction with the quality of the healthcare service provided by submitting an oral complaint (verbal expression of dissatisfaction).
An oral complaint can be submitted to the responsible specialist doctor, the institution’s director, and/or the hospital’s head nurse to attempt to resolve the user’s dissatisfaction and implement corrective actions.
If the patient, their family, or legal representative/guardian is not satisfied with the quality of the healthcare service provided, or the dissatisfaction has not been resolved through an oral complaint, the user should be informed of the possibility of submitting a written complaint using the official Complaint Submission Form, which is available at the Discharge Office on the ground floor of the institution and can be submitted in the following ways:
By filling out the prescribed Complaint Submission Form, which can be submitted in one of the following ways:
An official written response will be provided within 8 days if the form is fully completed.
If the complaint cannot be resolved within the given timeframe, the complainant will receive a written notice regarding the resolution process.
Anonymous and incomplete complaints will be reviewed and analyzed, but a response will not be possible.
If you wish to commend us and express your satisfaction with the service provided, you can fill out the official Praise Submission Form and submit it in the following ways:
If you are not satisfied with the measures taken regarding your complaint, you have the right to escalate your complaint to the following addresses: